[Dixielandjazz] Jazz Festival Produced By Musicians

Steve barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 14 16:55:37 PST 2005

And yet another way to succeed with a Jazz Festival. This one, produced by
the musicians, is single location with 2 or 3 venues It runs every night for
a week, in an Art Center on the Lower East Side of New York City. 10 year
success history. Music is "Far Out" Jazz, but the idea is really neat. Their
smallest audiences exceed 500 per night. Let's see, 500 x $25 = $10,000.
Hmmmmmmmm. Not too shabby.
Steve Barbone

Vision Festival at Clemente Soto Velez June 12 through June 19, 2005

New Location at Clemente Soto Velez with 2 theaters an art gallery and bar
Plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the music

"The Vision Festival is the best time to hear everybody and meet everyone.
This music may be uncompromising, but the vibe couldn't be friendlier." ­
Francis Davis, Atlantic Monthly "10th anniversary of a miracle"... Steve

After one year it was a sensation. At five years it was a tradition. Now,
ten years later, Arts for Art, Inc. is proud to announce the tenth year of
the world¹s foremost avantJazz festival.

We are proud to say that the Vision Festival is the most successful artist
organized annual festival in the history of jazz. While jazz musicians have
organized their own performance opportunities since the 1960s, no single
event has matched the ongoing and building success of Vision, which
celebrate its tenth year.
To commemorate our tenth year, the Festival boasts one of the most
formidable line-ups in its history. Our new venue at Clemente Soto Velez
features two theaters, two art galleries and a café for a highly warm

TICKETS $25 per night - 7 Day Pass $140 Advance sales Downtown Music Gallery
212-473-0043 / email dmg at downtownmusicgallery.com For updates 212-696-6681
or http://www.visionfestival.org 

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