[Dixielandjazz] comparisons

Len Nielsen lennielsen at telus.net
Sun Aug 21 12:27:46 PDT 2005

I agree with your post. I also stated that I didn't think he would have
any effect on Dixieland Jazz, in my last post.

My comment "It may even be detrimental" referred to my observation of
how the word Jazz in general effects some people. I have heard newcomers
to Dixieland type jazz events state amazement for the music, for the
talent of the musicians and what a great time they had. When asked why
they have never attended before the answer usually includes "we thought
it was that other stuff". So, the word Jazz brings unwanted images to
these people.

Now, if you tell me that the general consensus is that Jamie Cullum (do 
I have the name correct) is a Dixieland musician, then I may have some 
words to eat. :)

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I do not have anything constructive 
to add to your thread as I have no opinion, either way, about Jamie 
Cullum or his performance.

Len Nielsen

Jim Kashishian wrote:
> I'm reading comparisons & comments about how people like Jamie Cummins will
> or will not effect our kind of jazz.  That was not the reason for my
> original posting on this young man.
> I like his enthusiasm, his showmanship, and his "completely into it"
> attitute on stage.
> I merely said that he was reaching out to boundaries that (to me) seemed
> reachable for he & his band!  Good for them.  End of story.  I can't imagine
> how his success or lack of it will or will not change my jazz schedule or
> anyone else's in our crowd.
> Jim
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