[Dixielandjazz] Article about the bugle that will be used at Reagan's funeral

david richoux tubaman at batnet.com
Thu Jun 10 17:45:47 PDT 2004

But everybody else can expect to get a electronic fake bugle because  
there is a shortage of qualified buglers for US military funerals...
(big-time cut-backs on funds for musicians in the military, not just in  
the USA!)

There is a non-profit organization that is always on the look-out for  
trumpeters and buglers (veteran or not) to play taps for military  
funerals and other ceremonies - they have a website at  

Dave Richoux (who has played "Taps" for quite a few funerals...)

keeping it On Topic : "Bugle Boy March" (AKA "American Soldier")

On Jun 10, 2004, at 3:53 PM, Bob Romans wrote:

> Article about the bugle that will be used at Reagan's funeral...
> http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny- 
> usbugl0610,0,73866.story
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