[Dixielandjazz] Re: Yosemite Dixieland Jazz Band

Robert S. Ringwald ringwald at calweb.com
Sat Jan 3 21:13:30 PST 2004

Berl Howell wrote,

> i live in a small mountain town .  We have a small dixieland jazz band
> Yosemite Dixieland Jazz Band.
> We have been playing togeather for 9 years. We get calls to play ,But it
is most always a frebe.
> How does one advertize or get your name out so people will see it and want
to come and hear you and want you to come and play for them..
> We are getting alot better and want to grow...Our love is new orlean's
dixieland jazz and we really don't want to change

Hello Berl,

Greetings and welcome to DJML.

There are many ways to promote your band.  I am sure you will get many ideas
from successful band leaders & musicians who are members of DJML.

Here are a few ideas:

Record a *good quality CD.  Practice first until your playing & arrangements
are as good as you can possibly make them.  Then record in a quality studio.

Do quality art work for the cover, etc.  Make the CD look and sound as
professional as possible.

Remember, when someone hears the CD, they won't be looking at you.  They
will be hearing the CD in their home, car, or where ever--Not in a live
concert or nightclub situation.  It had better be good.

Make up a good looking press kit--tell about the band, professional quality
pictures, etc.

Pass them out to whomever you want to hear your band.  Include cover letter,
personalized to the person, club, organization, etc.

If you have a local radio station, try to get air play.

That is only one idea.  You'll get a lot of suggestions from List members.

BTW- where is Bass Lake?  Obviously it is somewhere near Yosemite?  Would
you be willing to come to our Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society, Jazz
Sunday, 2nd Sunday of the month, & do a set?  There would be no money
involved, but it would help to start giving you experience & exposure.

mr.wonderful at ringwald.com
Placerville, CA  USA

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