[Dixielandjazz] Sad news

Robert S. Ringwald ringwald at calweb.com
Sat Jan 3 20:56:31 PST 2004

 I just received this from Vince Saunders, leader of the South Frisco Jazz

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vincent Saunders" <frisco at pacbell.net>
To: "Al Adams" <aadams1 at san.rr.com>; "Scott Anthony" <santh at pacbell.net>;
"Clint Baker" <clintbaker at sanbrunocable.com>; "Bert Barr"
<jazzbert at uptownlowdownjazz.com>; "Dan Barrett" <barrett at 95net.com>; "Tom
Bartlett" <sltydgtb at aol.com>; "Jeff Beaumont" <autoneer at iolwest.com>;
"Charlie Bornemann" <charliebornemann at aol.com>; "Dave Bourne"
<fess at pacbell.net>; "Stan Brager" <sbrager at socal.rr.com>; "Peter Bullis"
<mpbullis at aol.com>; "Lloyd Byassee" <drummer at qnet.com>; "Ray Cadd"
<caddpad at adelphia.net>; "WILLIAM CARTER" <wcarter00 at aol.com>; "John Cooper"
<dkcoop at earthlink.net>; "Mike Cox" <mikebanjo at aol.com>; "Kim Cusack"
<akcusack at att.net>; "Mike Custer" <mcdad3fem at cs.com>; "Chris Daniels"
<DnlsChrsChrs at netscape.net>; "Jim Dapogny" <jdapogny at umich.edu>; "Frank
Demond" <fdcd56 at hotmail.com>; "Ted desPlantes" <tedzdp88 at yahoo.com>; "John
Dieball" <jdieball at jadtec.com>; "Dave Dolson" <jazzdolson at comcast.net>;
"Jean-Pierre Dubois" <hotantic at wanadoo.net.ma>; "Bill and Iris Durlands"
<durlands at inreach.com>; "MARTY EGGERS" <marty_eggers at juno.com>; "Gene & Sara
Eidy" <saratack at comcast.net>; "Keith Elliott" <keith.elliott at verizon.net>;
"PHILIP ELWOOD" <philipelwood at earthlink.net>; "EV FAREY"
<hornslave at microweb.com>; "Mike Fay" <faybasis at earthlink.net>; "Mike
Ferguson" <maferguson at earthlink.net>; "Doug Finke" <DougFinke5 at aol.com>;
"Don Gibson" <gibsonsob at aol.com>; "John Gill" <jgandkw at cs.com>; "Denis
Gilmore" <gremoli at comcast.net>; "VINCE GIORDANO" <vince.giordano at bmge.com>;
"Ron Going" <rongoing1 at earthlink.net>; "Alan Granruth"
<granruth at ecentral.com>; "Lew Green" <lewhorn at aol.com>; "David Greenberg"
<davida58 at alumni.princeton.edu>; "Duke Heitger" <dukeheit at bellsouth.net>;
"Eric Holroyd" <eholroyd at optushome.com.au>; "Bruce Huddleston"
<huddles at juno.com>; "Stan Huddleston" <piknjazz at aol.com>; "CHUCK HUGGINS"
<nbernard at sees.com>; <jazzeddy at aol.com>; "Jim Jones" <jjbanjo at juno.com>;
"Dick Karner" <richard.karner at verizon.net>; "Ken Keeler"
<kenkeeler at jazznut.com>; "Pete Kier" <petekier at aol.com>; "Phil Kirk"
<philkrk at yahoo.com>; "JIM KLIPPERT" <jazzhorn1 at earthlink.net>; "GEORGE
KNOBLAUCH" <barts at flash.net>; "Al and Pat Kuhn" <apkuhn at msn.com>; "Jack
Kuncl" <banjojack at yahoo.com>; "Dottie Lawless" <1lawless at gte.net>; "CAROL
LEIGH" <carolleighjazvoc at aol.com>; "Jim Leigh" <leighestus at aol.com>; "Gordon
Logan" <glogan8485 at aol.com>; "CARL LUNSFORD" <carlbanjo at aol.com>; "Jack and
Carolyn Mangan" <mangan at humboldt1.com>; "Joe Mathieu" <joe at joemathieu.com>;
"Pat & Mike Mazurek" <ptmzrk at attbi.com>; "Merseysippi Jazz Band"
<merseysippijazzband at tinyworld.co.uk>; "BOB MIELKE" <bobmielke at pon.net>;
"Richard Miller" <rmiller at frazmtn.com>; "Ron Morse"
<ronstrainshop at mchsi.com>; "Birch Mussleman" <birchm57 at aol.com>; "Bob
Neighbor" <bobbebop at aol.com>; "HAROLD V NEWMAN" <prairieway at juno.com>; "BILL
OAKLEY" <gwilliamoakley at earthlink.net>; "Warren Reynolds"
<warren.reynolds at pobox.com>; "Jack Richards" <richards at garlic.com>; "BOB
RINGWALD" <ringwald at calweb.com>; "Tom Rippey" <trianglejazz at attbi.com>;
"FRANK SANO" <fsano at aol.com>; "EARL/ALICE SCHEELAR"
<alice.scheelar at gte.net>; "ROBBIE SCHLOSSER" <cfo at magnoliajazz.com>;
"Michael Schwimmer" <mschwim at mn.rr.com>; "Mary Ann Sereth"
<sereth at ix.netcom.com>; "Bryan Shaw" <bryan at digitalbrothers.com>; "Richard
Shooshan" <shooshan54 at yahoo.com>; "Bob Shultz"
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 4:33 PM
Subject: Sad news

> Dear friends,
> It is with a very heavy heart that am sending this message to you.  I
received a call from Anne Raggio about three o'clock, today, with the sad
news that our dear friend, Bob, had just passed away.
> As mentioned in some of my earlier messages, Bob had many problems that
had not improved over the last eleven months that he had been in the care
center, and in and out of the hospital.  His diabetes and liver problems
were very serious, along with many other complications.  It is not
confirmed, but Anne thought that pneumonia was the final problem that he
could not overcome.
> He seemed not to have had much of a desire to live, and his final mental
blow was the loss of his closest friend and bosom buddy, Jim Snyder,
December 21, 2002.  He was so affected by this loss, that his foremost
thought was to join Jim.
> He was my best man, a loyal friend, and my washboard player in the South
Frisco Jazz Band for over 37 years.  He will be sorely missed by his loving
wife, Anne, and his many friends throughout the world.
> At this time, there have been no plans made for a service or memorial.  I
will let you know when these dates are confirmed.  In the meantime, I am
sure that cards would be welcomed at their home:  22876 Belquest, El Toro,
CA 92630.
> Vince Saunders

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