[Dixielandjazz] Info Please, HOt 5 & Hot 7 Recordings

David W. Littlefield dwlit at cpcug.org
Wed Dec 8 07:10:23 PST 2004

At 09:31 AM 12/7/2004 -0800, Fr M J (Mike) Logsdon wrote:
>>>>I see that this Col set has a total of 93 songs, compared with 89 on the
>JPS set. Is JPS missing something, or are there just more alternate takes
>on Columbia?<<<
>I don't have my set to hand, so someone else could maybe give some idea.  I 
>do recall, however, that it includes several tracks not always considered H5 
>or 7, and combined with the fact that Columbia has never been much for 
>alternate and unissued takes, I can see the potential for some major (though 
>not necessarily important) discrepancies between the two sets,
>Fr M J "Mike" Logsdon

The JSP set includes some 11 large band tracks, plus the "Weatherbird"
duet, on vol. 3, . Vol. 4 is all larger band, thru' 3/5/29.
I don't remember what the extra tracks are on the Columbia/Legacy set.

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