[Dixielandjazz] Jazz Festival - Modesto, CA
Stephen Barbone
barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 7 22:40:44 PDT 2004
Hi Margaret:
Oops, I stand corrected. If in fact, the promoter did not tell you folks he was
having a festival in your town, you can hardly be blamed for not being there.
And as a mea culpa, while I knew there might be a jazz club in Modesto, it is
not on my radar screen, as I suppose the 3 jazz clubs I belong to here are not
on yours.
One way or the other, either through shabby promotion, or folks in Modesto not
supporting a local festival, the event was a bust. Me? I would have telephoned
Charlie Clark till I got the info I needed. Especially since the club did hear
about it someway in advance.
A festival in town is certainly better than a six hour drive round trip to
Three Rivers as I see it.
Brings up another point. About the Victoria Festival going down last year. And
why not? It was scheduled on the same weekend as the Port Angeles Festival,
across the Straits of Juan Del Fuca (Spelling?) in the USA. Sept 11 two years
earlier and the Gulf War took the blame for US folks declining to travel to
Victoria BC. Hmmm, why would Americans fans take that long, expensive boat ride
when you could go to a festival in Port Angeles, which is on the way to
Victoria, saving both time and money?
We need to quit scheduling festivals close by on the same weekends.
Steve Barbone
Margaret Squires wrote:
> Steve,
> I very strongly disagree with your statement!!!!!
> We are VERY supportive of our OKOM musicians!!!!
> In fact we contacted Charlie Clark, who does the promo material for Ed
> Zimbrick's festivals and for 10th Avenue Jazz Band. There was no response.
> We usually put something in our newsletter about it. However, if we have no
> information from the promoter, what are we to do????
> ALSO!!! If Mr. Zimbrick had selected another weekend to hold his festival,
> his might have been better attended. Most of our non-OKOM supporting jazz
> society members drove three hours to get to the festival at Three Rivers.
> Before you condemn a group of people for non-support, you might want to
> check with them first and get the facts straight!!!!
> Margaret Squires
> Music Director
> Modesto Dixieland Jazz Society
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Barbone" <barbonestreet at earthlink.net>
> To: "Dixieland Jazz Mailing List" <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 12:47 PM
> Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Jazz Festival - Modesto, CA
> > Just heard that last weekend's one day OKOM festival in Modesto had
> > about 70 paying attendees. And there were 7, count em, 7 bands. One was
> > 10th Avenue Jazz Band, the sponsoring group. Ed Zimbrick must have lost
> > a pot full of money on it. Bob Roman's Cell Block Seven was also there,
> > I believe so the music was not too shabby.
> >
> > Folks, pure and simple, if we do not support live OKOM by paying for it
> > when it comes to our town, how can we expect it to continue?
> >
> > There is an OKOM jazz club in Modesto, but I would guess given the
> > above, that it is not very active in supporting itinerant OKOM
> > musicians.
> >
> > As US Supreme Court Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes said in January 1917
> > when deciding the case for licensing music and overturning all the
> > previous lower court decisions: (Smart man, that Holmes)
> >
> > "The performances... are part of a total for which the public pays....
> > If music did not pay, it would be given up. If it pays, it pays out of
> > the public's pocket.... The purpose of employing it is for profit, and
> > that is enough."
> >
> > It appears as if the public does not give a rat's patoot about live OKOM
> > in Modesto.
> >
> > Sadly ,
> > Steve Barbone
> >
> >
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