[Dixielandjazz] Jazz in Portland

Stephen Barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 26 11:53:57 PDT 2003

Here is another link to Jazz in  Portland Oregon. Depending upon what
YKOM jazz is, this offers a broad look at the jazz scene there. Once you
get on site, click on "Calendar of Events". It lists performances of all
types of jazz groups including Black Swan Jazz Band for Dixieland, and
is a great resource.


Steve Barbone

PS. Note to all list mates visiting another city and wondering about
jazz there. Just google search "jazz in (name of city)" and you will
usually come up with information such as that site listed above, or
names of local jazz bands, musicians etc. I found the above web site by
goggling "Jazz in Portland". For band leaders, google "jazz in (your own
city)" and see if you are there. If not, figure out how to get there
using "keywords" in your email announcements, or on your web site.

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