[Dixielandjazz] Earworms

Dan Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Oct 21 10:45:21 PDT 2003

    A friend sent me a link to an article in the Dallas Morning News about 'earworms' (songs you can't get out of your head) at
He also said that Alfred Bester's novel _The Demolished Man_ (which i think i read decades ago, but can't remember anything about) is a sci-fi take on the same theme.
    Yep, i got 'em ('earworms', although surely there is or could be a more elegant term).  I play dixieland in my car and at home, and sometimes play tuba along with a song, and after i quit more improvisations (most of which i'm not sure i could actually play) continue to haunt me, sometimes for an hour or so.
    Do any of you get 'earworms'?


** Dan Augustine - ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu             **
** Office of Admissions, University of Texas; Austin, Texas **

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