[Dixielandjazz] Re: "Hot" music on Riverwalk
Don Mopsick
mophandl at landing.com
Mon Jun 9 13:36:22 PDT 2003
Jim Beebe writes:
<<Dick Sudhalter prefers and uses the term "Hot music" to denote
the classic end of jazz that we all love so much. I throw my hat in for
"Hot" music.>>
I think you have to have "jazz" in there somewhere or else people will think
you're talking about the soundtrack to a porno.
<<One of the problems with Riverwalk is the 'Public' radio stations throw it
on at odd hours...apparently hours that they need to fill something in
Some do, others put us on in prime time and get loud complaints from
listeners when they try to move it to a different time slot.
<<A bigger problem with Riverwalk is that it comes off too much as 'Jazz
appreciation 101'. I"ve had to turn it off more than once.
If Jim Cullum would get rid of David Holt and producer Margaret Pick and
just do some relaxed shows of good swinging 'Hot' music, and forget the
lectures and other BS I think that the listenership would increase
Speaking only for myself, I am glad that the producers are aiming at a
general audience. The tiny but informed audience of jazz fans already knows
"mass quantities" of jazz knowledge, and if we had to depend on them (vital
thought they are), we would never have attracted a national audience in the
first place. I reguarly get email from fans who tell me how much they enjoy
learning new things about jazz, about how they never knew that jazz could be
so melodic and enjoyable, that they always avoided jazz before because it
seemed difficult, dense, or "too inside" for them. I liked the way one of
you put it (was it you, Jim?): modern jazz groups play as if they're firing
intelligence tests at the audience from the bandstand. (I've used that line
with people--it works).
Iin fact, when I talk with patrons of the Landing in San Antonio, I much
prefer talking to a person who knows nothing about jazz to a "modern" jazz
fan. The latter is often a losing proposition and proves that a little
knowledge can be dangerous.
So, Jim, with all the respect that is due to you, if Riverwalk pisses you
off that much so that you feel you have to turn it off (or maybe pick up the
radio and throw it against the wall), remember: we are not trying to come
off as condescending to the Jim Beebes of our audience.
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