FW: [Dixielandjazz] T o n i t e

James Kashishian kash at ran.es
Fri Jul 25 00:03:18 PDT 2003

Someone posted a mail on DJML with the above subject of Tonight.
Reminds me of a joke about a guy doing a study at a University about how
many times people have sex.
He asked a university audience..... how many each nite, how many once a
week, once a month, etc., and got various raised hands for each.  Then,
he asked "how many once a year"?
A guy in the back began waving his hand & saying me, me, me!".  When
asked why, if he only had sex once a year was he so excited.  The guy
said " 'cause tonite's the nite"!!!!   :>

Sometimes I feel that way about a gig, even though we have gobs per
month....which I feel is a pretty good sign........


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