[Dixielandjazz] Clarinetists

Donald Farwell farwell at erols.com
Sat Jul 12 12:10:37 PDT 2003

Bob Ringwald wrote:
 >Listen to the "Live At The Riverwalk" radio shows, either on the radio or
 >streaming audio.  Jim Cullum's current player is terrific.  It doesn't get
 >any better than that.
	Not to hide someone's light under a bushel (of what?), the clarinetist in 
question is Ron Hockett, and I certainly agree with Bob's evaluation. Ron 
played with the Federal Jazz Commission before matriculating to San 
Antonio, and he was also the principal saxophonist with the Marine Band. I 
have been listening to Ron for more than 20 years, and I don't think I have 
ever heard him play a wrong note. His solos are always imaginative and 
beautifully crafted. I don't think there is a better clarinetist around.
	Ron's replacement with the Feds was Henning Hoehne. Very different from 
Ron, but Henning doesn't have to yield to anyone. He, as well as Ron before 
him, is among the reasons the Feds are making a well-deserved name for 
themselves on the festival circuit.
	(The undersigned has received no compensation for this testimonial.)
		Don Farwell

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