[Dixielandjazz] Chuck Hedges praises Paul Edgerton :)

Nancy Giffin nancyink at ulink.net
Mon Apr 14 12:37:58 PDT 2003

Well, well, well...
Chuck Hedges is a Paul Edgerton fan!

Yesterday, the Sac. Trad Jazz Society had Chuck as our featured guest, and
he called Paul Edgerton to the stage during his second set to play a few
tunes with him. They began with a wonderful duet-intro to "Closer Walk..."
before the band joined in. Next, Paul showed some blurry-finger action while
cookin' on his "Undecided" solos. Chuck was looking on with big smiles and
laughs of approval, and when he had a chance to speak at the mike, he told
everyone that he doesn't worry about the future of jazz as long as "kids"
like Paul are playing it. He said lots of other nice things, too, and I just
want to add something: When I spoke with Chuck afterwards, he told me he
wasn't just saying those things to flatter Paul on stage, the way some
musicians do "for show"; he said he sincerely meant every word, and he hopes
Paul will find lots of opportunities to play.

So... if any of you want to feature him as a guest in your band sometime,
just remember: he's been publicly endorsed by Chuck Hedges. (Deservedly so,
I might add. Ringwald's band was smart to bring him in.)

I think it's great -- no, imperative! -- that older jazz players encourage
and support the next generation in every way possible. Now think:
Who in your community deserves your praise, time, and energy???

Sorry, Paul, for any embarrassment, but you've earned it.
Love and hugs,

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