[Dixielandjazz] Two beat or four beat...............
Bill Gunter
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 16:00:50 +0000
Hello listmates,
Brian Harvey writes:
>My grateful thanks to all the members who answered my question so
>succinctly. I doubt however if anyone could come up with a definition of
>what the late Ken Colyer referred to as those "f***ing inner rhythms"
>New Orleans jazz - or can they?
I suppose there wouldn't be a single definition (other than "those f***ing
rhythms") because there are lots of different rhythms that can pop up.
Take Jellyroll's "Georgia Swing" . . . even the intro is a tricky rhythmic
riff. It takes a bit of effort at first to count it out even though when you
hear it it sounds pretty simple. Then, at the end of each chorus there is a
five beat break evenly spaced over two bars. Imposing five equal beats over
two bars of a duple rhythm is pretty simple to play but not that easy to
actually count out.
Maybe Colyer did have the best definition.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill "I like waltzes" Gunter
ps - I have a midi file of Georgia Swing (pretty basic) I can e-mail to
anyone so interested.
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