Henry B. Stinson dixielandjazz@ml.islandnet.com
Sun, 02 Jun 2002 18:26:35 -0400


> Wish to be taken off mailing list fsor Dixieland Jazz list.  Thanks=  Bob

Hi, Bob.  Let us know if you get this message.

Tom Wiggins (AmbassCult)'s idea that maybe you are not really "ON"
the list but are getting emails from someone who has the "klez" email
worm-virus is interesting, but I don't think you could "reply to" the list
and get your messages through to us if you weren't really subscribed.

Not sure how you got subscribed.  Probably something to do with
the automatic transfer of subscribers to the new system handling DJML.

Someone else's idea that maybe you were subscribed before but were
receiving the "Digest" version, where all the emails for a day are combined
into one big one --- is a good idea.  That may be what happened.
Were you subscribed to DJML before the changeover?

Henry Stinson, BSECE, Website Developer and Software Engineer (Visual Basic)
Vocalist, Jazz Harmonica, Jazz Whistling and "Mouth Trumpet".
Orpheus Jazz Ensemble, Blue Heaven Jazz Band
Msg: 703-742-4670 Day: 703-893-8930 (Ring once, then call right back.)