[Dixielandjazz] Smokey, Wingy, Monty and others

Don Ingle dingle@baldwin-net.com
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 13:37:59 -0400

At the very first Bix fest in Davenport, Wing Manone was playing with a put
together band. Smokey's band also was on the gig.
Wingy looked out from the band shell an saw Smokey, and yelled into the
mike..."Hey, there Smoky...When did they let you out of the Pen?"
Smokey just smiled and gave Wingy the extended middle digest in response.
Smokey had run afoul of the IRS for not turning in the with holding of the
side men. Jimmy Granato was one of those that were "examined" by the IRS
when there were making their case against Smokey. Smoke was a nice guy but a
poor business man and was always operating of such funds between gigs and it
caught up with him.
The mention of  Monty Mountjoy reminded me that when I recorded with Freddie
Fisher in Denver in 1960 for a 10" LP he needed a drummer and Smokey's band
was playing in town and they brought in Monty to make the date. Also on it
on Bass Sax was Red Ingle, mon pere.
It was not released to general circulation but sold at the Aspen gig where I
worked with Freddie. On it, on cornet, was King Fisher, who shortly after
 to OZ where he played with a number of Aussie bands and now works as a
potter and artist. I was on Valve bone, Freddie on Clarinet and Walt Smith
on piano.
Boy, these cross pollinations do happen a lot amongst us OKOM types, now
doesn't it.
Don Ingle

----- Original Message -----
From: "gebooks" <gebooks@qwestonline.com>
To: "Charlie Hooks" <charliehooks@earthlink.net>; "DJML Dixieland Jazz"
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Re:Smokey Stover

> My drummer at the time, Monte Mountjoy, called the pen to see if he could
> talk with Smokey. Th e voice on the other end in the warden;s office said
> Who the hell do think this is." It was Stover, a trustee since his 3rd day
> in the pen. He has some "special" connections.
> Gene Mayl
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charlie Hooks" <charliehooks@earthlink.net>
> To: "DJML Dixieland Jazz" <dixielandjazz@ml.islandnet.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 12:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Re:Smokey Stover
> > on 7/23/02 9:00 PM, Bill Haesler at bhaesler@nsw.bigpond.net.au wrote:
> >
> > > Jim Beebe, Don Ingle or Charlie
> > > Hooks will have some personal memories to share.
> >
> >     Jim, why don't you tell them about Smoke's little interlude with the
> > IRS?  He probably wouldn't mind.  And if he does, I wouldn't mind.
> >
> > Charlie
> >
> >
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