[Dixielandjazz] Turks Head Music Festival
Stephen Barbone
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:10:36 -0400
Barbone Street Mention from "West Chester Daily Local" Monday 7/22/02
About 10,000 come out to Turk's Head Music Festival - Jessica McRorie
West Chester - The Turk's Head Music Festival celebrated its 20th year
at Everhart Park on Sunday . . . .
Kathy McBratnie , the borough's Parks and Recreation Director said there
was a good sized crowd early in the day for this year's festival.
"Usually the crowd gets big near the end of the day but it's only a
quarter to two" said McBratnie. "They probably came out early to hear
The Barbone Street Jazz Band who just finished," she added. "They are
one of the most popular bands in the area". . . .
BTW: Turk's Head is a General Music, General Audience Festival. In a
town of some 30,000 people. We played early because we had another gig
that afternoon 60 miles away. 10 other bands were Rock, Pop, Country
Western etc.
Double stage set up, each band plays a 45 minute set. We've been invited
back every year for the past 6 years now and are the only band with that
record. We out perform every other band. We view this as a cutting
session challenge and are always on for it. Yesterday's performance was
one of those days that you play for. We were swinging hard from the
first note and the crowd went absolutely wild.
Dixieland can't be viable? Can't pull a crowd? Can't make money at
it? BS.
Steve Barbone