[Dixielandjazz] Listing of jazz band website addresses!
Vilcad (Ron Gable)
Vilcad \(Ron Gable\)" <vilcad@earthlink.net
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 18:12:47 -0400
Hello listers,
I'm somewhat swamped and have had more then my share of interruptions as of
I'm still adding bands to the list, but I'm going to change the set up to
make them easier to find.
One of the problems that I'm having is how to find the location of your
band. The new paging system will be based on location, but alas most of
your websites don't have a snail mail address. All I need is city and state
or equiv. If someone is looking for your band they can type in the name and
the search engine will find it. But if they want to go someplace, then they
type in a location and find out what bands are there. If I can't find your
location, I have to type in cyberland and this is not going to make it easy
for somebody to find you.
So what I'm suggesting is, if possible, put your band's location on your
home page.
Thanks for your jazz,
Ron & Rosemary Gable
Jazz Advocates
10790 W. National Road
Brookville, Ohio 45309
(937) 833-4053
Join the Advocate Movement
at www.jazzadvocate.com