[Dixielandjazz] Sid De Paris was JC Higginbotham

brian.harvey5 brian.harvey5" <brian.harvey5@ntlworld.com
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 14:27:22 +0100

Dear Steve, May I use your memory of Sid de Paris in Just Jazz magazine
please?  Thanks - Brian

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Barbone <barbonestreet@earthlink.net>
To: Dixieland Jazz Mailing List <dixielandjazz@ml.islandnet.com>
Date: 05 June 2002 16:31
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Sid De Paris was JC Higginbotham

>Gene Mayl wrote: (polite snip)
>"Another  sit-in was our friend, Sid DeParis, "
>Yeah, he is another under appreciated OKOMer. He could, and did blow
>most guys away. I do remember a loft session, however, where he and Roy
>Eldridge were in attendance. They got into a bit of a cutting session
>and Little Jazz just astounded everybody in that "friendly" competition.
>If you let him go last, Eldridge would just blow everybody away,
>including Dizzy Gillespie. Very competitive and always had something
>left no matter who he came up against.
>BTW as jazz musicians will tell the non-musicians, these cutting
>sessions were an integral part of one's jazz education. Part of the
>"dues".  Sad to say they seem no longer to exist. The competition and
>the camaraderie has dissappeared, along with the music.
>My favorite Eldridge story is circa the time he was a fixture at Jimmy
>Ryan's, (New York City) in his later years. A well meaning fan came up
>and said "Gee Roy, I didn't expect to see you here playing Dixieland".
>Eldridge smiled and said  "Man, I've being playing Dixieland all of my
>Steve Barbone
>PS. Heard Gene Mayl's band at a PA Jazz Society function a few months
>ago. He's still got it.  Even some older lady groupies. :-)
>Dixielandjazz mailing list