[Dixielandjazz] Labor Day Jazz Festival

Robert S. Ringwald ringwald@calweb.com
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 15:47:42 -0700

August 22, 2002


It has come to my attention via the Internet that you are advertising a Jazz
festival in Aspen, Colorado over the Labor Day weekend.  Your festival seems
to have no Jazz artists as performers.  May I be so bold as to ask why?  Is
this not false advertising?

There are many solo performers and bands playing all styles of "Jazz" who
would be glad to perform at your festival.  Why not advertise as a Music
Festival if you are not featuring Jazz?

While I am a performing Jazz musician, I am not available that weekend as I
will be performing at the Los Angeles Sweet and Hot Music Festival.
However, I would be glad to offer suggestions for musicians and bands who
are available and who do play Jazz.

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience.


Bob Ringwald
Placerville, CA
 Fulton Street Jazz Band
Boondockers Jazz & Comedy Band
See: http://www.ringwald.com
See: http://www.theboondockers.com
See: http://www.theboondockers.com