[Dixielandjazz] Eddie Condon discography
Bill Haesler
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 14:02:04 +1000
Dear friends,
I have just been advised that the new Eddie Condon discography, mentioned by Don
Mopsick in the Riverwalk 'Jazz Me News', and which I had ordered. has sold out.
I have also received a copy of the following email which I assume (and hope)
isn't confidential.
From: Joe Boughton [mailto:alljz@alltel.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:39 AM
To: Jazzology--George Buck; Jazz Me News
Subject: Eddie Condon discography from Italy
FYI--The Condon book is a travesty!!!! So many inaccuracies and errors. It
is a shame that such an archival document is allowed to be published and sold.
There was no effort to correct errors in previous printing. Such recordings
that I produced were totally incorrect re. personnel and the author never took
the time to contact me for accurate ino. Sorry. Am not a critical person, but
this publication is a waste. Joe Boughton
Allegheny Jazz Society
283 Jefferson Street
Meadville, PA 16335-1425
Phone/Fax: 814-724-2163
E-mail: alljz@alltel.net
Please do not shoot me, the messenger. 8>)
Kind regards,