[Dixielandjazz] Strange gigs

Stephen Barbone barbonestreet@earthlink.net
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 15:45:18 -0400

Dave Stoddard wrote: (polite snip) about Massa the Gorilla

"That night, all of the Philadelphia TV stations covered Massa's
birthday party, but no one mentioned the dixieland band. During the
night, Massa died of a stroke.  The next day, in the course of covering
Massa's death, EVERY TV station now mentioned the dixieland band!"

And why not? It is a well known fact that the audience for Dixieland is
dying. Hopefully it is not the music that is killing them, though. ;-)

Steve Barbone

PS.  Three cheers for the late Ed Wagner, drummer for, and leader of,
the Brandywine Revival Jazz Band that kept the music going for so long
here in the Philadelphia area, in spite of Massa.